Bumpy Pitch x Wolfskill FC

One of our extended Bumpy Pitch family members has a pickup game every Monday on the westside of Los Angeles. His crew is called Wolfskill FC which is derived from Wolfskill Ranch which was the name of the land prior to being purchased by Arthur Letts of The Broadway and Bullocks department store fame and whose son-in-law began to develop the land and build homes in the 1920's.
Alfredo hit us up asking if we would be down to make some shirts for his crew which was a no brainer. Besides WFC, Alfredo is out there everyday hustling and doing his part to help build the sport and grow the game. On Monday he gets to hang with his homies and play soccer and we were happy to support all of that and all that he does.
The WFC shirt is highly limited and was made for his Monday night soccer crew so they won't be available for purchase. We're pretty stoked about how these came out and for the opportunity to work with a close friend. Keep on keeping on, Alfredo.