Community Outreach
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Over the last few weeks California has been hit hard by wildfires (and now some pretty intense rain). Lots of folks have lost their homes and possessions and find themselves in a new reality. It's been heavy to watch on the news every night stories about people who have experienced loss like this all across the state.
But with all the sadness, there is also hope. A good friend of ours, Jesse Bignami, and his girl Rocky Moon are doing all that they can do to help out. They have been collecting items and raising money and making multiple trips to hard hit areas to drop off items while they continue to raise money. It's inspiring to see the work they are doing and is a reminder of just how good people can be.
I reached out to Jesse to see if donated shirts would be helpful. Seems like a small way that we can help Jesse help so many others. But then it got me thinking about getting other folks to help out as well. Maybe other brands will join us and donate products. Maybe some of you have some items or a few extra bucks that you can donate. We always talk about this amazing soccer community that exists, and what a time to tap into it and see what kind of good we can collectively do.
Not that there is ever a good time for something like this to happen, but it seems extra difficult around the holidays.
If you can help out, please email me directly at bp@bumpypitch.com or hit up Jesse on his Instagram or Twitter.